Our January 8th speaker Martha T. Cummings, the Executive Director of Universal Promise, presented an updated overview of this nonprofit organization. Universal Promise is working to address systemic poverty and racism in underserved communities in South Africa. Their mission focuses on creating sustainable transformation by improving access to quality education and healthcare while empowering local communities.

Key updates included:

  • Expanding their reach to 10 schools, impacting over 10,000 students and 50,000 family members.
  • Improving healthcare for 150,000 patients in three rural townships by renovating clinics and equipping them with essential tools like stethoscopes and blood pressure monitors.
  • Using their "Top 10 Wish List" method, which invites community members of all ages to prioritize needs for school transformation.
  • Launching "The Primary Pair," a focused initiative to enhance school security and clean water systems as foundational steps to progress.

The speaker shared how organizations like Universal Promise and Rotary have the opportunity to create "magic"—transformative moments of hope and joy that inspire and uplift communities in need.